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当前位置:家教网首页 > 福州家教网 > 外语学习 > 双语:励志独腿男子 每年总有机智的万圣节造型

双语:励志独腿男子 每年总有机智的万圣节造型

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-04-20


Josh Sundquist was diagnosed with cancer when he was nine years old, and was told he had a 50% chance of surviving. He lost his left leg, despite chemotherapy, but by thirteen he was cancer-free, and by sixteen, he was ski-racing. Now, Sundquist is a motivational speaker that's become famous on social media for his clever, amputation-incorporating Halloween costumes.


"I've always dealt with the social discomfort of my disability by having a sense of humor," Sundquist explains. "But now I'm more comfortable with who I am and what I look like, and I guess with these Halloween costumes you could even say that I celebrate what makes me different. Which may be either weird or refreshing, depending on your perspective." He explains the inspiration for his costumes below:


2010: "From Shrek. Not the gumdrop buttons!"


2012: "My wife Ashley suggested this idea, a reference to the movie A Christmas Story."


2013: "I was just at the zoo one time and I noticed that flamingos look like me doing a crutch handstand. So yeah."


2014: "A YouTube subscriber suggested it to me at VidCon. I thought it was appropriate since last year I was also named to the US Amputee World Cup Team."


2015: “It's a classic amputee joke. This year I decided to anthropomorphize it” 2015年:“这是一个经典的截肢者段子(因为IHOP餐厅广告牌的造型,它被戏称为截肢者最喜欢的餐厅),今年我决定把这个段子演出来。”

"If my career as a motivational speaker doesn't work out, I could probably get a job at IHOP."


2016: "Want to see my newest Halloween costume? Be our guest."



amputation: 截肢

gumdrop: 软糖

anthropomorphize: 人格化



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