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当前位置:家教网首页 > 福州家教网 > 外语学习 > 2015推特年度热门话题榜:外国网友最关心啥


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-30



The hashtag #JeSuisParis, used to show solidarity with the French capital in the wake of its second terrorist attack, marked the most talked about moment of the year on Twitter.


This was followed by the Black Lives Matter movement, which began in the US and has become a social campaign discussing alleged police brutality against black citizens. The #BlackLivesMatter hashtag or phrase was used more than nine million times in 2015.


In both the US and Ireland this year, same-sex marriage was legalised nationally, and as a result #MarriageEquality appears third on Twitter's list.


Asrefugees fleeing war in the Middle East flooded into Europe, debate raged on Twitter over how to manage the situation, with hrefugeesWelcomedominating the site enough to reach fourth on the influence list for the year.


2. 关注度爆棚的明星

Katy Perry (pictured left) remains the most-followed person on Twitter, with 78.3 million followers, with Justin Bieber (pictured right) in second place.


Meanwhile, Rihanna broke into the global top five for the first time, overtaking Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake in the process.


Famous people to join Twitter this year, included President Obama, Edward Snowden, Caitlyn Jenner, Brooklyn Beckham and Chris Hemsworth.


3. 使用率最高的表情符号

Emoji have grown considerably in popularity this year and the most used symbol on Twitter was the 'crying with laughter' emoji.


详情请戳: 牛津词典2015年度热词竟然是个表情符号!

4. 那条蓝黑or白金色的裙子

Users of Twitter may remember #TheDress which divided the world over whether it was blue and black or white and gold.


I don't understand this odd dress debate and I feel like it's a trick somehow. I'm confused and scared. PS it's OBVIOUSLY BLUE AND BLACK. — Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) February 27, 2015




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  3. 程教员 福建师范大学 美术学
  4. 梁教员 福州大学 智能建造
  5. 朱教员 福建农林大学 风景园林
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